
REI Holistic Search

Faceted search encompassing all REI entities

Stakeholders wanted a better way to showcase all of REI's entities in one search results window. As REI continues to differentiate itself from the competitors we were asked to envision a way to educate our users on our other offerings. By doing so, we showcase that we're more than just an e-commerce site, but experts in our field with a real desire to get people outside.

Duration:  1+ year - ongoing

Status: Live

My Role:  UX Research & Design, UI Design, User Testing



With this project encompassing no less than 6 different sites it was apparent we had to keep things targeted and focused along the way. The tendency was to use a focus/flare design process and communicate early and often. Some of the research and design techniques we used along the way:

  • Content Audit

  • Heuristic Evaluations

  • Competitive Research

  • Stakeholder Interviews

  • User Interviews

  • Rapid Design Ideation

  • Wireframing (lo & hi fidelity)

  • Prototyping

  • User testing (online & in store)


The Outcome

This project is ongoing. Nearing the end of discovery and close to execution. While a priority direction has been identified we are in testing to further finalize. Currently creating a prototype and test plan.